Discover Ballina - Artist of the Month for June
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Artist of the Month for June

Wednesday, 19 June 2024

Time: 10am


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Artists/artisans for the Featured month of June 

June Hoffmann and Kay Knights

June Hoffmann

“I started to enjoy art at 10 years of age when the schoolteacher was showing us to learn how to use a compass. I quickly adapted this skill to draw circles with petals that I could use for colour and shading.

I haven’t attended any secondary art schools but have learnt many skills from the art classes I have joined. Since retiring to the Northern Rivers, I have certainly expanded my interest in art and belong to three different art groups and thoroughly enjoy meeting with friends and following my passion for art. I have travelled widely in Australia and get most of my ideas and motivation from many of the places I have visited. I particularly like to paint the trunks of gum trees with their fascinating colours as the bark peels off.

I have recently been to Western Australia and of course I now have a million photos (I do exaggerate) from which to produce many more paintings.
Sometimes an idea will come out of the blue and I usually have pencil and paper at hand, even a serviette, to do a quick sketch. Needless to say, when I look at these in the clear light of the next day, I often have no idea what to do with them.

Thank goodness for retirement and the opportunity to follow the dream and paint when I like. I am already planning my next paintings (secret artist business) and can’t wait to tackle a board or canvas with brushes.”

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Finding Balance by Kay Knights

 “Don't be afraid to take risks in life. The greatest risk is not taking one.” - Unknown
 Finding balance is one of the most important things in life. It is an even distribution of weight, which allows us to remain upright and steady. This balance produces a sense of stability and equipoise - the balance we strike between opposing elements like security and freedom.
 We should never be afraid to take risks, as life is naturally full of them. Taking risks may seem daunting, but they can lead us to great opportunities and a better future. Even if we fall, we can learn from the experience and find ourselves in a better place, which makes falling a good thing.
 This abstract series, based on balance and falling, is my exploration of these states of ‘being’. These monoprints, created with acrylic paint in a series of layers, are unique and one-of-a-kind. They showcase the beauty of balance and falling and serve as a reminder that taking risks in life is essential for growth and success.
 So, let us embrace the risks of life and find our balance. As the famous quote goes, “What if I fall? Oh, but my darling, what if you fly?” Let us all fly high and find our true potential!
Find out more  HERE


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