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Where They Walked - Lismore Regional Gallery
Wednesday, 11 October 2023
Time: 10am - 4pm
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Lismore Regional Gallery —pop-up space 46 Magellan Street, LismoreWhere they walked features work by Kylie Caldwell (Bundjalung, Casino), Luke Close (Githabul, Woodenbong), Nickolla Clark (Arakwal, Byron Bay), and Jenn Rowe (Trawlwoolway, Tasmania). These First Nations artists live and work in the Northern Rivers, on Bundjalung country, but reflect on their traditional lands and roots.
Much Indigenous culture has been tragically eroded by colonisation. However, despite active and passive efforts to erase First Nations people from Australia, Aboriginal culture and knowledge remain powerfully present.
In this exhibition, the artists summon the voices of their ancestors, reclaiming lost traditional knowledge. By collecting ochres and weaving with fibres that the ancestors once felt in their fingers and applied to use, they learn practices suppressed by the circumstances of colonisation.
By visiting the same waterways, spending time on country, and speaking and listening to Elders, they walk where their ancestors walked. By walking in the same tracks, these tracks get deeper.
Tuesday to Saturday, 10 am – 4pm
Thursdays until 6pm