Events calendar

Circle of Security Parenting
Thursday, 20 June 2024
Time: 10am - 12noon
Title of Event: Circle of Security Parenting – Parenting Course
Event Details: Crcle of Security® Parenting™ program is based on decades of research about how secure parent-child relationships can be supported and strengthened. It is a relationship based early intervention program designed to enhance attachment security between parents and children aged 0-12 years old.
Having a secure relationship with your children is about learning from mistakes rather than striving to get it right. Circle of Security Parenting gives parents and caregivers the roadmap to creating a relationship that will benefit their child for their whole life.
7 x 2 hour sessions, starting 16-05-2024 to event finish: 27-06-2024
This course is free.
Event Location: Ballina Indoor Sports Centre
10am to 12pm
Find out more HERE