Events calendar

Vietnam Veterans' Day
Sunday, 18 August 2024
Time: 11am
Contact Details: 6686 0133
Ballina RSL Memorial Park, Grant St, Ballina NSW 2478
On 18 August, we commemorate Vietnam Veterans' Day on the anniversary of the Battle of Long Tan in 1966. We are deeply honoured to pay tribute to the brave men and women who served in this conflict.
Pubic Service: Ballina RSL sub-Branch ivites you to attend the Vietnam Veterans' Day Commemorative Service and Wreath Laying Ceremony. Please contact the Ballina RSL sub-Branch if you plan to lay a wreath with your organistaion name and contact.
Veterans Event: The Ballina RSL sub-Bramch will be hosting a lucheon following the service for sub-Branch memebers, veteran's, currently serving ADF personnel amd their famillies. This is a ticketed event. Please contact the Ballina RSL sub-Branch office on 6686 0133 to make an equiry or pre-purchase your ticket.