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The Lennox Arts Collective (LAC) is a collective of 8 artists who work together to exhibit their work in their main street gallery in the heart of Lennox Head.
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Sarah's creative force stems from her love of the Australian landscape and beautiful colours of the earth. Her small group 2 hour Intro to Wheel Throwing workshops allow you to try your hand at...
Dan Higgins is a singer/songwriter, his music is genuine and authentic, with unique lyrical twists, that will capture the hearts of many country fans around the world.
A leading arts and cultural institution of the Northern Rivers, fostering creative exhibitions and programs, building community capacity, and supporting opportunities where arts and culture can...
Circus Arts boasts a fantastic, one-of-a-kind indoor venue for kids, teens & adults, offering a unique blend of art & sport including the famous flying trapeze!
A priceless 30 year collection of surf nostalgia and culture. Surf memorabilia and surfboards in every shape and size imaginable, from all over the world is on show.