Working with the Ballina Tourism Team
Ballina Shire Councils Tourism Team work to promote the Ballina Coast & Hinterland and the wider Northern Rivers region as key tourism destinations. The team consists of five passionate staff members who all completed their studies locally at Southern Cross University in Lismore. With a diverse range of interests and skills each team member brings a wealth of knowledge with them. Working from the Ballina Visitor Information Centre, the team also manage the Visitor Services desk at the Ballina-Byron Gateway Airport and the Northern Rivers Digital Visitor Hub at the Ballina BP Travel Centre.
2021-2030 Destination Management Plan
Destination Management Plan here.
View the Ballina Coast and Hinterland 2021-2030Both the State and Federal Government tourism agencies have outlined that a Destination Management Plan (DMP) will be a key requirement in accessing any future financial assistance.
Tourism Statistics
Tourism Research Australia publishes data relating to visitor numbers, stay and spend.
The following estimates at an LGA level are drawn from the National Visitor Survey (NVS) - a survey independently assessed as best practice in terms of domestic visitor surveys conducted around the world.
The primary data shown in these summary tables relates to a long term annual average and the most recent viable annual estimate.
'How To' Operator Start Up Videos
Are you wanting to diversify your operations...Maybe you are looking to add a new element or experience? Or simply starting up a new business in the Ballina Shire?
Ensure you watch the 'How To' video series that explains the simple process to get your business on the right path from promoting your business to seeking the appropriate licences and approvals.
How to access the Ballina Coast & Hinterland Digital Assets
The Ballina Visitor Information Centre has a promotional video showcasing the natural beauty of the region and the Centre also has some fantastic images that you are able to access.
Host Your Event - Destination Fact Sheet
Discover why the Ballina Coast & Hinterland is the perfect destination to host your next conference or event.
Our idyllic location is a huge draw card for strong attendance, with the added benefit of the Ballina Byron Gateway Airport which offers flights from Melbourne, Sydney & Newcastle.
Short Term Holiday Letting Study Results
Short Term Holiday Letting (STHL) has become an increasingly significant sector within the tourism industry. For some STHL increases the appeal of destinations whilst providing employment opportunities both directly through accommodating visitors and through the jobs created by increased visitation to the area.