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Creative Artisans Gallery is all original work with most of the items such as the jewellery, woodwork and silk, being "one-off" designs. The gallery aims to showcase original creations and artwork...
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Newrybar Merchants is a collective of creative local artisans and curators of fine goods who are passionate about what they do.
Frank Miles Fine Bronze Art -Frank’s bronze sculpture “Steptoe” (Pelican) can be viewed at Lance Ferris wharf at Fawcett Park on Ballina’s Richmond River.
Art Kind is a contemporary studio gallery in Byron Bay, Australia exhibiting works from emerging and established Australian artists including Bec Duff, Lisa Brummer, Mel Lumb, Mahala Magins, Zac...
The Lennox Arts Collective (LAC) is a collective of 8 artists who work together to exhibit their work in their main street gallery in the heart of Lennox Head.