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Are you a golf enthusiast? Then visit Swing It Driving Range & Mini Golf in Ballina and hit some balls in the driving range, book in for a round of golf in the state of the art Golf Simulator or...
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Enjoy a great day out with your family and friends at the nine hole, 28 par disc golf course.
Ballina Golf Club features easy walking, lush fairways, 328 greens and shady trees. The visually extensive, pleasing gardens complement your enjoyment of golf on our course. They are a family...
Teven Valley Golf Course is a boutique nine-hole course in the stunning hinterland close to Ballina and Byron Bay. Set on the banks of Maguires Creek, amongst green rolling hills.
Virtual golf centre Ballina is the premier indoor golf facility in the Northern Rivers of NSW. Using the state of the art golf simulator technology the virtual golf centre provides an experience for...