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Crawford House Museum takes you back in time. It is a perfect example of a loving restored Federation home that displays household items from the 1900's to the 1960's.
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Visit the New Italy Museum and the Italian Pavilion, an Italian gift shop, the 'Tastes of New Italy' Café, MyBelle Pantry wholefoods and the Glass Art Gallery.
A priceless 30 year collection of surf nostalgia and culture. Surf memorabilia and surfboards in every shape and size imaginable, from all over the world is on show.
Want to know about the history of Ballina and surrounding areas? Then make sure to visit the Ballina & District Museum.
Take a voyage of discovery. Home of the transpacific Las Balsas Raft Expedition, discover the history of the Port of Ballina, heritage vessels, and the largest collection of detailed ship models on...