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On holidays and don't want to cook? Busy local family committed to after school activities but still want to feed the family nutritious dinners? Dinner is Served is here to help!
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Learn how to skate with Truckstop Skate School. With over 35+ years of skateboarding experience and their own private all weather facility in Ballina they can guarantee some serious knowledge will...
Whether you are a rollerskater or rollerblader - Lismore Rollerworld has you covered! Good fun for all the family.
Lighthouse Beach is one of Ballina’s main beaches and is patrolled in school holidays, making it the perfect spot for families.
Learn to Surf, hone your skills or take a tour with the best. With almost 30 years in the business, they have got you covered! ! Offering Daily Surf Lessons, SUP Tours, Private and Family Lessons...
Circus Arts boasts a fantastic, one-of-a-kind indoor venue for kids, teens & adults, offering a unique blend of art & sport including the famous flying trapeze!
The Ballina Library offers a range of services to residents of the Ballina Shire as well as visitors to the area.