Discover Ballina - Restrictions for outdoor dining and outdoor music performances eased
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Outdoor music performanceRestrictions at hospitality venues will be eased from this Friday 16 October to allow one patron for every two square metres in outdoor areas (previously this was one person per four square metres).

Businesses wishing to take advantage of the relaxed restrictions must use electronic methods, such as QR codes, to record and keep contact details. 

The Minister has signed an exemption to the Public Health (COVID-19 Restrictions on Gathering and Movement) Order (No 5) 2020 to allow an outdoor gathering of up to 500 people for the purpose of musical rehearsals and performances, subject to the following conditions:

  • There must be a nominated organisation for each musical rehearsal or performance
  • The nominated organiser must develop and comply with a COVID-19 safety plan that addresses the matters in the COVID-19 checklist, Outdoor musical rehearsals and performances
  • Each person participating must provide their name and contact details to the nominated organiser and take reasonably practical steps to comply with the COVID-19 safety plan.

You can find more information on the COVID-19 safety plan for outdoor music performances here.

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