Events calendar
15 December
- 8:00 December Artist of the Month :: Music, Art & Culture
- 10:00 - 4:00 Evans Head Aviation Museum :: Music, Art & Culture
- 1:00 - 4:00 The Dreadnaught Boys Exhibition :: Music, Art & Culture
- 3:30 Tintenbar Up Front :: Music, Art & Culture
16 December
- 8:00 December Artist of the Month :: Music, Art & Culture
- 6:00 Trivia Nights :: Music, Art & Culture
17 December
- 8:00 December Artist of the Month :: Music, Art & Culture
- 6:00 Trivia Nights :: Music, Art & Culture
18 December
- 8:00 December Artist of the Month :: Music, Art & Culture
- 6:00 Trivia Nights :: Music, Art & Culture
19 December
- 8:00 December Artist of the Month :: Music, Art & Culture
- 5:30 - 9:30 Film Screening - The Innermost Limits of Pure Fun :: Music, Art & Culture
- 6:00 - 8:00 Live Music Thursday's at Kelp :: Music, Art & Culture
- 6:00 Trivia Nights :: Music, Art & Culture
- 6:00 - 8:30 Trivialicious Trivia at Seven Mile Brewing Co :: Music, Art & Culture
20 December
- 8:00 December Artist of the Month :: Music, Art & Culture
- 10:00 - 4:00 The Dreadnaught Boys Exhibition :: Music, Art & Culture
- 6:00 Trivia Nights :: Music, Art & Culture
21 December
- 8:00 December Artist of the Month :: Music, Art & Culture
- 10:00 - 4:00 Evans Head Aviation Museum :: Music, Art & Culture