What's On Calendar

Mind Body Movement Workshop
Wednesday, 17 July 2024
Time: 1pm - 4pm
Make new friends, get moving and have fun at this movement focused workshop that will include a wide variety of activities to encourage and develop the mind body connection. The girls will play a variety of games, participate in fun fitness based activities, and just enjoy getting active with new friends.
The event is designed to gather the girls together and reflect 5 research based strategies to support the mental health and wellbeing of women and teenage girls:
Greater emphasis on social support
Supporting one another rather than competing
Emphasising achievement, improvement and ability
Empowering women and girls through role modelling
Educating on skills and strategies for resilience, emotional regulation, and stress management
Where: Ballina Indoor Sports Centre, Cherry Street, Ballina
Who: Girls aged 10-14 years
When: July 17th 1- 4 pm
Contact: 0432 662 050
Bookings or more info: CLICK HERE